This is really not surprising.
Spoiler alert: the reviewers liked it.
Of course, they haven’t yet specified if these other games will also become Epic Games Store exclusive.
Epic has a golden goose on its hands here.
How does this even keep happening?
That is one sharply worded comeback.
Excellent news for Nintendo's burgeoning system.
Your chance to play Epic's newest.
Plus the PS4 version runs at 900p.
Plus a brand new trailer.
Muriel and her powers are introduced in the new video.
"Features that were once only possible on a high end game console now run on a device that fits in your pocket."
A MOBA by any other name...
This was Sony's capping announcement at PSX.
No parity when it comes to release dates.
Is it actually happening, then?
That's unreal, bro.
Looks pretty gosh darn amazing.
Details, screenshots and fly-though videos