EU PS Store Gets Update With The Walking Dead and Octodad

The octopus life.

The new PlayStation Store update is out, and the games in the spotlight this week are… well, they’re a mixed bag.

On the one hand, we have episodes 1 and 2 of The Walking Dead: Season 2 for the PS Vita, which you can buy for the regular price, or for a discounted price if you buy the Season Pass as well. “Watch Clementine’s story unfold as she struggles for survival after the events of Season One,” says Sony’s blog update on the European PS Blog. So, yeah, that’s a good deal indeed. People would want to purchase that.

On the other hand, we have Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure. Bizarre indeed. “Tons of characters spanning various arcs of the popular series are thrown into the mix, with gorgeous, colourful visuals and of course, over the top special moves and fabulous battle poses to top it all off,” says Sony. It could be worth a purchase anyway, to see just what the hell it is.

Also on offer this week is Octodad. “Being an octopus while hiding your identity as one from your family can be very tough,” the post says. Even tougher than being a father, in fact.

Any of those games interest you? Tell us in your comments!

JoJo's Bizarre AdventureOctodad: Dadliest Catchps storePS VitasonyThe Walking DeadThe Walking Dead Season 2