Everspace Encounters Expansion Brings New World, Quests and Factory Space Stations

The first expansion for the rogue-lite space sim has quite a lot to offer.

Rockfish’s rogue-lite space sim Everspace is getting even bigger with the Encounters expansion. Releasing later this month for PC and on Xbox One in February 2018, Encounters brings quite a lot of new content to the table.

It introduces a new ship called the Colonial Sentinel, which is a medium class fighter with double the shield capacity of the base ship. You can also look forward to visiting the Okkar’s homeworld, encountering new characters, taking on new quests and battling new foes (total content will be somewhere around 10 hours). There’s some interesting new weapons to try out as well like the flamethrower, lightning gun and so on.

Probably the best new feature will be the factory space stations which can slightly repair and upgrade your ship in the middle of a run. You’ll also be able to convert resources. More details are still to be revealed but it looks like a nice quality of life change.

Everspace Encounters has yet to be priced so stay tuned for more information on the same.

EverspaceEverspace EncountersRockfishXbox One