Evolve Alpha Sign-Ups Now Available for PC Players

For a limited though so act fast.

If you’ve been dying to get your hands on the PC version of Turtle Rock Studios’ Evolve, then good news: The developer has announced that it will be holding an alpha test for the multiplayer shooter and encouraged players to sign up now. You’ll need a PC though along with a Steam account and need to agree to a confidentiality clause to prohibit sharing any information about the game.

Head here, enter the password “happyhunting” (without quotes) and then place the referral code as “JoinTheHunt”. Turtle Rock will be sorting out its testers by July 5th so if you want to get in on the alpha, you should sign up now. More information will be provided in the coming days about the dates for the alpha.

If you’re on consoles, then don’t worry – Evolve will see its closed beta happening exclusively on the Xbox One. The game will be out this October for PS4, PC and Xbox One players.

alphaEvolvepcSteamTurtle Rock Studios