Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout Adds Godzilla Costume In Latest Update

And it's sort of fantastic and all.

With the pace of how things move nowadays, it can be hard to tell if Fall Guys is still this years new hotness (that’s probably Among Us, right? Probably, I can’t keep up). Even still, one can’t deny that it was quite successful going by both the impressive performance on PC as well as strong numbers on PS Plus. The game is still ongoing, and it’s getting a classic monster, a king of said monsters if you will, for you to reek havoc with.

There’s been lots of crossover skins to come and go from the game, and now we have a Godzilla costume. You can see the video of how it looks as well as in action with a fun trailer that invokes the classic movie poster style before going into Fall Guys hijinks. The costume is probably my favorite so far, if for no other reason than that head just is too good not to have a laugh about.

Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout is available now for both PlayStation 4 and PC. The Godzilla costume is live now and will cost a total of 10 crowns for you to waddle around in.

Devolver DigitalFall Guys: Ultimate KnockoutMediatonicpcps4