Fat Princess Adventures Coming to PS4

She's back!

Fat Princess was certainly a charming and fun adventure back when it first released on the PlayStation 3 in 2009, and it looks like it was also a successful one- today at their PlayStation Experience keynote, Sony Santa Monica went ahead and revealed a sequel to the game for the PlayStation 4. It’s called Fat Princess Adventures, and it looks as adorable as the first game.

The game will have the same blend of strategy and action gameplay that the first game did, starring its four classes, but with the new addition of upgradeable equipment, armor, weapons, spells, and accessories, as well as the addition of new special combat moves for each class.

Also new: the princess can actually play alongside you. She doesn’t always need to be rescued. In today’s context and scenario, where gender identity issues are more relevant, that is a very nice step to take.

Stay tuned to GamingBolt for more.

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