FF14 and Metal Gear Online shut down temporarily

The recent natural disasters that have struck Japan have forced the servers for Final Fantasy 14 and Metal Gear Online to shut down temporarily.

Square Enix has temporary halted service on Final Fantasy XI and Final Fantasy XIV, while Konami has temporarily suspended Metal Gear Online. The stoppages appear to affect both in and outside of Japan.

The decisions follow a request from Japanese power companies that all consumers conserve electricity, particularly during peak hours.

Final Fantasy XI and XIV will be offline for a week until March 20, Square Enix said.

In comparison to the other devestation caused by the earthquakes in Japan this is really rather insignificant, but fans of these titles may wish to know. Our condolonces to all who are affected by the incidents in Japan at the moment.

Thanks to CVG for the info.

final fantasy XIFinal Fantasy XIVmetal gearps3