In addition to a new trailer for Final Fantasy 16 and an update on development (which has “entered the home stretch”), Square Enix also outlined two new Dominants. Check out their screenshots and character artwork below.
The first is Dion Lesage, the Dominant of Bahamut, the King of Dragons. As the crown prince of the Empire of Sanbreque and leader of the dragoons, Lesage is “loved and respected by both his people and his troops.” This is due to his having “turned the tide of battle in their favor” many times. However, all isn’t well in the Empire, which may affect Lesage, especially as the Eikons go to war.
Barnabas Tharmr is the Dominant of Odin, who first arrived in the Kingdom of Waloed as a “landless and titleless wanderer.” He’s very skilled with a blade, quelling a rebellion from the local beastmen and uniting the eastern continent. Though possessing a large army and navy, Tharmr either likes to charge headlong into battle or observe from afar, “a grisly gleam of fascination ever in his eyes.”
It does appear that Tharmr is romantically allied with Garuda’s Dominant. How their stories shake out, especially when Clive Rosefield is in the mix with Ifrit, remains to be seen. Final Fantasy 16 is coming to PS5 in Summer 2023. Stay tuned for more details and gameplay in the coming months.