Final Fantasy 16 Guide – All Known Curiosities And Where To Find Them

A complete guide on All Known Curiosities in Final Fantasy 16 and how to find them.

There are over one hundred Curiosities to be discovered, purchased, or reinforced in Final Fantasy 16 over the course of the story, through either the main questline or various side quests. While none of the Curiosities are missable, it should be noted that there is a point-of-no-return during the main quest “The Crystals’ Curse”. Even so, these Curiosities can still be acquired post-completion of the campaign using Stage Replay or free roam. This FF XVI guide lists all known Curiosities and where they can be found.

Ambrosia’s Tack

A bespoke saddle and blinders worn by Clive’s childhood chocobo, Ambrosia.

“Kweh.” – Ambrosia

  • Displayed in Clive’s chambers.

“The White-Winged Wonder” side quest.

Archduke Elwin’s Testament

  • Does nothing.

“Where There’s a Will” side quest.

Briar’s Kiss Signboard

The emblem of the Briar’s Kiss, pride of Dalimil. The forge is almost as popular with traveling merchants as the trading post’s famous healing baths, where the weary can soak away their saddle sores on the way to Drake’s Fang.

  • Displayed in Clive’s chambers.

“Lines in the Sand II” side quest.

Charred Sparring Sword

Clive’s old sparring sword, salvaged by a faithful friend in the aftermath of the lronblood invasion eighteen winters past.

“Remember, Clive—your blade is not your only weapon.” – Rodney Murdoch

  • Displayed in Clive’s chambers.

“More Than Words” side quest.

Cid’s Goblet

  • Displayed in Clive’s chambers.

“Payback” side quest.

Clayhearth Signboard

The emblem of the Undying’s headquarters in Tabor. The village is home to the finest leatherworkers and lapidaries in Dhalmekia, who are little aware that their affable new neighbors are members of a secret society sworn to serve the Phoenix.

  • Displayed in Clive’s chambers.

“Duty Undying II” side quest.

Continental Censer

According to Charon, a censer packed with herbs and ambergris can ward off everything from insects to the plague, protect a home from thieves and demons, and heal any number of ailments, all while bringing love and fortune.

“So you can read. Congratulations.” – Charon

  • Displayed in Clive’s chambers.

“An Eye for an Eye” side quest.

Crimson Caravans Signboard

The emblem of the Crimson Caravans—porters of wide renown. They are based in Boklad, where traders from across Valisthea flock to browse the Thousand Tables, and transport their wares either throughout the Dominion, or on down the Crystal Road to the lands beyond.

  • Displayed in Clive’s chambers.

“Trading Places II” side quest.

Drakeslayer’s Belt Design Draft

A diagram detailing the steps to craft a belt fit for a hero.

  • Necessary for crafting the drakeslayer’s belt.

“Blacksmith’s Blues IV” side quest.

Excalibur Design Draft

A diagram detailing the steps to forge a sword to rival that of a legendary king.

  • Necessary for crafting the sword Excalibur.

“Blacksmith’s Blues II” side quest.

Expanded Potion Satchel

Were the same exotic alloy from which the clasp of this satchel was fashioned be used to craft a suit of armor, it should surely be supple enough to accommodate even the greediest knight’s ever-expanding belly.

  • Necessary for further increasing consumable inventory capacity.

“Even Weirder Science” side quest.

Fragrant Satchel

  • Does nothing.

“Righting Wrongs” main quest.

Guardians Scarf

A symbol of trust, loyalty, and undying friendship.

“For, as long as the firebird’s flame burns in our hearts, the duchy cannot die.” – Wade

  • Displayed in Clive’s chambers.

“The Flames of War” main quest.

Hanged Man Signboard

The emblem of the Hanged Man, the tavern at the heart of Lostwing. The village is a haven for the downtrodden built around a Fallen ruin—one as apt to reveal its secrets as the Hanged Man’s enigmatic tavernkeeper.

  • Displayed in Clive’s chambers.

“For Great Justice II” side quest.

lnvigorated Morganbeard Extract

If adding the extract of morganbeard petals to curative or performance-enhancing potions increases their potency, then imagine what adding the extract of morganbeard petals fortified with the vigor of a morbol gripped with madness might do.

  • Necessary for further increasing consumable potency.

“Please Sir, Can I Have Some Morbol?” side quest.

Martelle Apples

  • Displayed in Clive’s chambers.

“The Fruit of Her Labors” side quest.

Martha’s Rest Signboard

The emblem of Martha’s Rest, personal fiefdom of the Golden Stables’ indomitable landlady. To those with no love for the empire, the settlement stands as an island of safety in a sea of anything but.

  • Displayed in Clive’s chambers.

“Rekindling the Flame II” side quest.

Medicine Chest

A beautifully carved chest that opens to reveal countless compartments full of tonics and tinctures.

“Seeing as you’re so reluctant to come to the infirmary, I thought you might as well take a part of the infirmary with you.” – Tarja

  • Displayed in Clive’s chambers.

“Tears of Mercy” side quest.

Model Airship

Mid’s dangerous dream of flight, immortalized in miniature.

“My dad always said there were two ways of living life—chasing a dream, or shuffling to your grave.” – Mid

  • Displayed in Clive’s chambers.

“Aiming High” side quest.

Morganbeard Extract

Adding but a drop of this concentrated extract to any curative or performance-enhancing potion will increase its potency…or so insists Nigel of the backyard.

  • Necessary for increasing consumable potency.

“The Root of the Problem” side quest.

Ouroboros Design Draft

A diagram detailing the steps to craft a belt to end all belts.

  • Necessary for crafting the belt Ouroboros.

“Blacksmith’s Blues III” side quest.

Phoenix Down

  • Does nothing.

“Cloak and Dagger” main quest.

Phoenix Feather

A brilliant red feather discovered by Clive on his person upon waking from his battle with Typhon.

“But know this… If you want him, you’ll have to go through me.” – Joshua

  • Does nothing.

“Cid the Outlaw” main quest.

Rusted Battlehelm

Archduke Elwin’s helm, worn during his victorious campaign to quell the northern uprising.

“War is coming, my boy. We must make ready.” – Archduke Elwin

  • Displayed in Clive’s chambers.

“Where There’s a Will” side quest.

Snow Daisy Garland

  • Displayed in Clive’s chambers.

“Priceless” side quest.

Stolas Quill

  • Displayed in Clive’s chambers.

“A Tail to Tell” side quest.

The Burnt Blade

This seal marks its bearer as a trusted ally of Wade, commander of the Guardians of the Flame.

“Display it, and those who love Rosaria will know where your loyalties lie.” – Wade

  • Does nothing.

“Black or White” main quest.

The Circle of Malius

  • Displayed in Clive’s chambers.

Completion of all seven Chronoliths.

The Collar and Compass

This seal marks its bearer as a trusted ally of Eloise and Theodore, proprietors of the Crimson Caravans.

“We at the Crimson Caravans are always happy to help those in need. For a small fee, we will move anything that needs moving. Be that goods to market, or Bearers away from it.” – Eloise

  • Does nothing.

“Blood from the Stones” main quest.

The Cracked Anvil

This seal marks its bearer as a trusted ally of Zoltan, blacksmith of Dravozd.

“l’m a busy man, as you can see, so do me a favor and piss off.” – Zoltan

  • Does nothing.

“Blacksmith’s Blues IV” side quest..

The Desert Rose

This seal marks its bearer as a trusted ally of L’ubor, master of the Briar’s Kiss.

“Tell me, what do you think is a merchant’s most important commodity? Why, trust. Everyone knows that. Without it, you have nothing.” – L’ubor

  • Does nothing.

“Follow the Crystals” main quest.

The Hanged Man

This seal marks its bearer as a trusted ally of Quinten of Lostwing.

“Happily, I can provide a solution to your dilemma—as a favor to Cid, that is.” – Quinten

  • Does nothing.

“Dead of Night” main quest.

The Moon and Stars

  • Does nothing.

“The Dame” sub quest.

The Oath

A reminder of a promise made, a friendship forged, and a legacy inherited.

“You could’ve just said ‘aye.’” – Gav

  • Displayed in Clive’s chambers.

“Cid the Outlaw” main quest.

The Slumbering Chocobo

This seal marks its bearer as a trusted ally of Martha of the Golden Stables.

“Oh, there’s plenty who pity a Bearer’s plight…but so long as we’re content to sit around, weeping for those on whose broken backs we’re carried, we en’t going to change nothing.” – Martha

  • Does nothing.

“A Bearer’s Lot” main quest.

The Triunity Accord

Signed by representatives from Rosaria, Dhalmekia, and Sanbreque, this mutual accord sets the stage for a new age in Storm if not officially, then at least in spirit.

“For what great moment in history hasn’t been accompanied by a little ceremony?” – Byron Rosfield

  • Displayed in Clive’s chambers.

“Three’s Company” side quest.

Treasure Map

A crudely drawn map in whose margin is scrawled the message, “To all who would seek to mint gil, follow ye the path to Kretov.”

  • Does nothing.

Treated Potion Satchel

Were the same exotic compound that was applied to the leather of this satchel be kneaded into a pair of boots, they should surely become supple enough to accommodate a man with twenty toes.

  • Necessary for increasing consumable inventory capacity.

“Weird Science” side quest.

Veil Signboard

The emblem of the Veil, Northreach’s far-famed house of ill repute. The town is the gateway to the imperial capital of Oriflamme, where waves of old money and new lap against the opposing sides of the great wall.

  • Displayed in Clive’s chambers.

“Under New Management II” side quest.

And that is all known Curiosities in Final Fantasy XVI.

All Known Curiosities And Where To Find Them in Final Fantasy 16final fantasy 16ps5Square Enix