Voice actor Ben Starr, who recently voiced Final Fantasy 16 protagonist Clive Rosfield, has revealed that he would like to play the role of Raziel from Legacy of Kain if a new game in the franchise or a remake were to happen.
According to IGN, Starr was asked during SlayStation: The Crystal Ball what character he would like to portray from any other game, to which the actor replied with Raziel from Soul Reaver. Starr later confirmed to IGN that he would like to portray Raziel if the role were to open up thanks to a remaster, remake or sequel of the classic Legacy of Kain games.
While the Legacy of Kain series has been considered long-dead, the IP is currently owned by the Embracer Group, and one of its studios, Crystal Dynamics, was prodding for consumer interest in the series back in late 2022. The studio, currently working on new Tomb Raider game, has stated that the response to its survey was positive, and that the fans’ demands for Legacy of Kain has been “loud and clear”.
Embracer Group itself has seemed open to the idea, revealing after acquiring IP owned by Crystal Dynamics and Eidos Montreal that it would be releasing sequels, remakes, remasters and spinoffs based on the studios’ IPs.