Final Fantasy 7 Remake: Square Enix Changing Cloud’s Character Design

The new design was green lit from Cloud's original designer Tetsuya Nomura

It looks like Square Enix are changing up the character design of their protagonist Cloud for the upcoming Final Fantasy VII Remake a little bit. Four new screenshots for the upcoming RPG were revealed at Final Fantasy “Farewell Stories” 30th Anniversary Exhibition over in Tokyo, though the screenshots are not going to be released online for everyone to see.

According to the reactions of those who’ve seen the screenshots themselves and went on to speak about it on social media, Cloud looks different from what we previously saw. The game’s development lead Naoki Hamaguchi says that this only happened after the new design for Cloud received the green light from his original designer Tetsuya Nomura.

The screenshots revealed also showed off several other characters, such as Biggs, Wedge, and Jesse. It’s not yet known when Square might deem it fit to show these screenshots to everyone else, or whether that will even happen at all. Final Fantasy VII Remake is currently without a release date. Stay tuned to GamingBolt for continued coverage.

Thanks, GamesTalk.

final fantasy vii remakeps4Square Enix