Final Fantasy 7 Remake Update: Square Enix Looking To Hire Level Planner For The Game

Production is ramping up, it seems.

Considering the fact that we have no release date for Final Fantasy VII Remake yet, in addition to how little we’ve heard of the game in the past few months, it’s fair to assume that there’s still a while to go yet before we get our hands on the game. However, it seems like Square Enix might be ramping up production on the game, since a new job posting by the Japanese publisher seems to be looking to hire a new level design planner to work on the upcoming RPG.

The job ad linked above is in Japanese, but a rough translation suggests that Square Enix are looking for a new level planner to “construct workflow” for in-game locations and work on level design for them as well. While they’ve rendered the assets they want to use in the game, they’re now looking for planners with experience with Unreal Engine 4 to put them into use. Interestingly enough, having played the original Final Fantasy VII doesn’t seem to be a pre-requisite to apply for the job.

Final Fantasy VII Remake is as of yet without a concrete release date, as we’ve already mentioned, though we don’t expect it to launch this year. When it does launch, it’ll be out on the PS4. Stay tuned to GamingBolt for continued coverage on the game.

final fantasy vii remakeps4Square Enix