Final Fantasy 7 Remake Will Be Present At The Hong Kong Games Festival

Along with some other major upcoming PS4 releases.

Square Enix have been blowing out information on the hotly anticipated Final Fantasy 7 Remake after years of silence since the game’s E3 2019 showing, and we might be in line for some more information or footage from the game very soon.

Sony recently posted new details on the upcoming Hong Kong Games Festival, being held from July 26 to July 30, and what their presence at the show will entail. Among the many games they’re bringing to the show is Final Fantasy 7 Remake, alongside other major upcoming PS4 exclusives like Death Stranding and PSVR title Marvel’s Iron Man, as well as Monster Hunter World: Iceborne (which, of course, isn’t exclusive to the PS4).

While the hope remains that Square Enix will be showing off new gameplay or revealing new details on the game at the festival, in all likelihood, they will just be bringing the same playable demo for the game that people got hands-on time with at E3 2019.

Final Fantasy 7 Remake is out on March 3, 2020 exclusively for the PS4. Despite recent confusions, it doesn’t look like Square Enix plans on bringing it to any other platform.

Final Fantasy 7 Remakeps4Square Enix