Final Fantasy 7 Remake Will Have A Classic Turn-Based(ish) Combat Option

For those who want a truly old school experience.

final fantasy 7 remakefinal fantasy 7 remake

Final Fantasy 7 Remake is a lot more ambitious than remakes usually tend to be. Among the many things that it’ll be changing up from the original is the combat, by replacing the turn-based stuff of the original release with more action-oriented system (yet one that still offers up tactical possibilities). That new combat system has looked excellent so far, but for those who would prefer to have a more traditional experience with the upcoming remake, there’s some good news.

The game’s official Twitter page recently relayed the information that Final Fantasy 7 Remake will have an option for a Classic Mode, which will recreate the turn-based (or command-based or menu-based or whatever you want to call it) combat of the original. Classic Mode will see the ATB Gauge filling up automatically, with the character that you’re in control of fighting automatically. As such, players playing in the Classic Mode won’t have to “worry about the action side of the combat system, and can instead focus on selecting commands” for what feels like a turn-based combat system.

It’s an interesting option to add, and though personally, I’m really looking forward to the action parts of the remake’s combat, it’s always nice to have more options. We’ll have to see how well the Classic Mode is received by players.

Final Fantasy 7 Remake is out on March 3rd, 2020 for PlayStation 4. Check out its newest trailer through here.

Final Fantasy 7 Remakeps4Square Enix