Final Fantasy Agito Trademarked by Square Enix, E3 2013 Reveal Forthcoming?

The PSP title could be making a comeback.

Square Enix has recently trademarked Final Fantasy Agito in Japan, and given how this is incredibly close to E3 2013 – remember how a new Final Fantasy game was teased by Square Enix at the PS4 reveal event? – it could very well be the next game we see in the series.

Of course, there are several reasons this might not necessarily be THE Final Fantasy that is coming to the PlayStation 4. Final Fantasy Agito was last used for a PlayStation Portable title in the former Fabula Nova Crystallis series, which also included Final Fantasy XIII and Final Fantasy Versus XIII. The game was then known as Final Fantasy Agito XIII.

After the Crystallis project went belly up, it was released in Japan as Final Fantasy Type-O and is known as one of the few contemporary Final Fantasy games that don’t suck. However, it never came stateside.

Could it be that Square Enix is finally bringing the game to Western audiences but on the PS4, with HD graphics? It wouldn’t be the worst possible scenario, that’s for sure. Stay tuned for more details.

e3 2013Final Fantasy AgitoFinal Fantasy Agito XIIIFinal Fantasy Type-0ps4pspSquare Enix