Final Fantasy VII Will Cost $16 on PlayStation 4

Look, they're not completely oblivious!

Square Enix almost single handedly soured everyone on Sony’s otherwise pretty well done keynote address at their PlayStation Experience event a few weeks ago, when they trotted to the stage and announced that Final Fantasy VII would be coming to the PlayStation 4; but this would not be the remake like so many people have dreamed of for nearly a decade now, but instead, the PlayStation version’s PC port, brought over to the PC port as is with no changes.

A lot of people were thinking that Square would have the gall to then go ahead and charge a full $60 (or at least $40) for the game; thankfully, the company doesn’t seem to be that disconnected from reality, as it has announced that on the PlayStation 4, Final Fantasy VII will cost $16- still too much for an essentially untouched port of a twenty year old game, but better than paying full price for it.

Final Fantasy VIIps4Square Enix