Final PS4 and Xbox 720 specs are still a mystery – DICE

Probably under NDA.

DICE has revealed that they only know the alpha specs of the next gen consoles and they are creating games based on that and no one has any idea of what the final specs are, which means Sony can very well modify something at this stage, and it wouldn’t affect third-party development.

Patrick Bach, executive producer of the studio, told CVG that nobody knows what the specs will be: “I don’t know if anyone has the next-gen hardware to be honest – really. There are versions of it, but does anyone have the final hardware? Do we really know what the final hardware will be?

“There are specs and alpha hardware, but nobody knows exactly what it will be. The only thing I can say about what we’re building is that we’ve set the bar with what we can do and we can scale it down to 360 and PS3.”

The game looks next-gen though and was running on a PC. You can check out the gameplay video here.

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