Gamebase Announces Reach3dx Closed Beta Test

New mobile game engine getting a closed beta.

What is Reach3dfx, you ask? It is a brand new fully featured, highly advanced 3D game engine that was revealed at the game Developers Conference earlier this year, that works across iOS, Android, Flash, and HTML5 platforms. It is based on the OpenFL framework and Haxe, and allows for an extremely high end 3D game experience to be delivered on these platforms that have traditionally been viewed as low end.

Gamebase, the guys who are working on this engine, have announced a close beta test for the upcoming engine, which will will showcase the HTML5 version and all features of the engine. For those invited, the closed beta test will run until August 18th

If you are a game developer for the smaller, lower end platforms, this may be a good chance for you to get the jump on what appears to be a fairly full featured engine; for mobile game developers, it has never been a better time, as currently, they have access to a full range of great engines, including Unreal Engine 4, Unity, and now Reach3dx.
