GameStop Impressed With Xbox One Scorpio- ‘It Will be A Gamer Friendly, Powerful Console’

'We're impressed.'

GameStop has noted that its physical product sales are declining, which has all led to a massive hit in its earnings- however, the retailer revealed in an investor call that it has cards to play still, pointing to PlayStation VR, Xbox One Scorpio, and the Nintendo Switch as the three primary drivers it sees going forward.

“In physical gaming there have been cyclical declines without question, but we have very strong cards to play in Nintendo Switch, Sony [PlayStation] VR, and Microsoft [Xbox] Scorpio,” GameStop’s CEO Paul Raines stated. Apparently, GameStop is placing a lot of faith in Scorpio, and its ability to drive sales.

“Finally, we’re impressed with [the] Microsoft Scorpio product,” Chief Operating Officer Tony Bartel said, adding that it is a ‘gamer friendly console’ that will drive revenues when it launches this Holiday season. “Unfortunately we can’t talk about a lot other than what’s known”, he said. “The Scorpio is a very powerful system that’s really made for 4K. We see it [as] a very gaming centric, very, very powerful unit and so we do believe that there will be some great games that are made for this.”

It sounds like they may not know more than we do- but what they do know, they seem to be optimistic about. GameStop’s optimism for the Nintendo Switch proved to be well founded in the end- doubtless they are hoping the same will hold true for the Xbox Scorpio as well.

GamestopMicrosoftxbox one scorpio