Gearbox Wants To Make Another Brothers In Arms Game

Oh, brother.

You might know Gearbox as the Borderlands company now, but long before it made its name with the original FPS/loot RPG hybrid, Gearbox was making Brothers In Arms, a series of well received shooters that were set in WW2. A lot of players have fond memories of those games, and so does, it seems, Gearbox, who said at GDC that they want to make a new one.

“A lot of people love Brothers in Arms and they love [series protagonist Sgt. Matt Baker]. Obviously we never really got to finish that story. We’ve always said, ‘Man, we want to go back to this,'” they said. But sensing the danger that their words might be misconstrued, they hastily added, “We have nothing to announce.”

Currently, Gearbox seems to be working on a new Borderlands game, allegedly the first one for the new consoles, as well as a remaster of the first Borderlands game.

Thanks, Gamespot.

brothers in armsgearboxUbisoft