Gears of War Developer May Be Working On A Brand New IP

Microsoft letting their studios work on new IP? Say what now?

It seems like Microsoft may be letting The Coalition, whom they had repurposed into exclusively working on the Gears of War franchise, create a brand new IP. Posting on its website. Storylab Productions, a multi-media house, and one that has previously worked with The Coalition on Gears of War Ultimate and Gears of War 4, has declared that it is now working with The Coalition on a brand new IP.

Literally all we know is that this IP is in production as of 2017- we have no idea of what it is, or when it might be announced. But if there actually is a new IP in the works, that’s a major step towards righting their first party situation taken by Microsoft- I can only hope this is true, and we’ll learn more about it come E3.

Gears of War Ultimate and Gears of War 4 are both currently available on Xbox One and Windows 10 PCs.

gears of war 4microosftstorylabsthe coalitionXbox One