Gears of War FPS depends on fan demand and industry trends – Epic Games

Gears of War is one of the highly acclaimed series this gen and something that fans have been wondering about is when will they get a first-person Gears of War game? The answer is to just believe, says Rod Fergusson, Epic Games executive producer.

“I’m a big believer in never say never,” he told OXM. “It’s all about what’s interesting in the industry at the time and where fans want us to take it. We don’t want to say never but it’s not on the top of my mind either. We look at what makes sense and move in that direction.”

So that means, it will probably never happen. Next-gen maybe? The series could sure use a reboot. However, the series is still at its peak and doing something like this could result in fan exodus which they do not want.

So what direction do you want this series to take? Tell us what you think in the comments section below.

Epic GamesGears of War FPSgears of war: judgementxbox 360