A rumour was going around recently that Epic Games’ next title in the Gears of War franchise is Gears of War: Redux for PlayStation 4. Of course, like any rumour, this came with a photoshopped image (above) that promised just that. It even came up during E3 week, prompting everyone to think that maybe it had some merit.
Except Epic Games got on board and quashed that rumour fairly quickly. Responding to queries from IGN, Epic Games said that not only is this not a game that’s set for the PlayStation 4, but that’s not even at E3 2013 in the first place. They confirmed the image being fake as well.
“Also, we would never use that font,” stated a representative from the company.
Of course, while Gears of War: Redux may not be a title, there is still enough easy money to be made on betting that there is a next-generation Gears of War title in development at Epic right now. We’ll just have to wait and find out which one.