Google Stadia Will Feature Free Online Multiplayer, In Case You Didn’t Know

John Justice wants to make sure you know it does.

For a service that is being billed as the beginning of new era of cloud-based gaming, the marketing leading up to Stadia has been…an odd one. There’s been a lot that was not clear in the initial reveal, and it feels like Google has had to spend a lot of time clearing up some things. Apparently, one of the things they want to make clear is that Stadia will feature free online multiplayer.

On the latest StadiaCast, Google VP and Stadia Head of Product John Justice wanted to make sure people were aware of the fact, since he seems under the impression that many people aren’t aware of the fact that there’s no paywall to online features.

I can’t say how many people are or aren’t aware of that, but it’s good to know. When Stadia launches in November it will include free online multiplayer when you purchase a game through the service.

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