Granblue Fantasy: Relink Receives New Trailer, Action Packed Co-op Gameplay

Watch four players team up in co-op to battle an Ancient Dragon.

Granblue Fantasy RelinkGranblue Fantasy Relink

Granblue Fantasy Fes 2019 was the place to be for fans of the series. It also served up tons of new information and gameplay footage of Granblue Fantasy: Relink, the upcoming action RPG. A new trailer was released showcasing Gran, Katalina and friends having trouble battling skeletons when backup arrived in the form of the Dragon Knights.

The gameplay walkthrough focused on co-op with the Dragon Knights – namely, Lancelot, Percival, Vane and Siegfried – as they went up against an Ancient Dragon. The overall content seems to be late-game given that the characters were at level 45 and the boss at level 60. However, it did offer a look at the tandem offense of the Full Chain attack.

Granblue Fantasy: Relink is in development for the PlayStation 4. It’s planned to release sometime next year but hasn’t received a solid date. Meanwhile, fighting game Granblue Fantasy: Versus will release on February 6th 2020 for PS4 in Japan and Q1 2020 for the West.

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