Anyone that has ever created or used a mod in their games has most likely heard of the famous ENB series of mods that can drastically alter the title you’re playing. Created b Boris Voronstov, the ENBSeries is used to modify the visuals of numerous games including Mass Effect, Skyrim, Fallout and more.
Boris Voronstov has spoken out about just how “moddable” GTA V is. “I was wrong. Rockstar did everything to prevent modding of GTA5, so at this moment [it’s] impossible to do anything via editing game files,” he stated. Of course this does not mean that GTA 5 won’t be moddable at all, Boris won’t simply be able to modify it according to the standards he has set with ENB. “I don’t see much potency to modify the game, just a few minor changes without “wow” effects, so better give it some time and see, otherwise the game will be dead very soon.”
This kind of goes against everything that Rockstar have been saying about the game and just what players can expect. Hopefully this changes soon so we’re not just limited to FOV mods. It would be a shame to have waited for so long to get so little.