GTA 5 SweetFX Screenshots Look Amazing

Grand Theft Auto 5 with SweetFX = Win.

Not everyone is having a hard time getting Grand Theft Auto V to run well on their PC, luckily enough one of the players got the game running using SweetFX configuration. Users of the SweetFX visual effects suite will no doubt be familiar with K-Putt’s work, I myself use his work in Mass Effect 3 and Dishonored.

Now, thanks to K-putt’s beefy PC, you can now see the game in all it’s glory, rendered at ridiculously high resolutions with his own SweetFX configuration running in-game. It’s worth noting that these images were each originally nearly 40mb in size, but it’s clear from the sheer level of detail in these pictures that the game is no slouch in the visual department.

If you can get the game running at a high and consistent frame rate, then you might want to look into getting SweetFX for yourself. Grand Theft Auto 5 is now available on the PC.

Grand Theft Auto 5GTA 5 ModspcRockstar