Half Life 3 European Trademark Disappears

A troll job or a Valve job?

A look at Valve’s own database, which became public for a short time, confirmed that there are two development teams currently working on Half-Life 3. Of course, prior to this, the title was trademarked in Europe, with the revelation of Valve’s records adding all the more validation.

Now it’s come to light that the trademark filing has disappeared from the European Union’s database. This would suggest two things: Whoever filed it had their laughs and decided to shut it down, most likely cackling with glee, or the trademark came to Valve’s attention and they shut it down.

Either way, chalk up another Half Life 3 information trail gone dead. Regardless, the developer hasn’t said anything about teams currently working on the project – though it did indicate that the game was currently in “bits and pieces”. Will it be arriving for Valve’s Steam Box? Will it be arriving at all? The wait continues.


Half Life 3hoaxpcValve Software