Half Life 3: “Pre-Order” It Today

"Only 2000 items available". For real.

Scams are nothing new and it may not even be confirmed if this is indeed a scam. But given the fact that the item in question, Half Life 3, isn’t going to release any time soon, it sure looks like one.

Nonetheless, if you head to G2A, you can donate $50 and receive Half Life 3 for free “if it ever launches”. The proceeds for the donation go towards helping kids. Only 2000 items “available”. We wish we were joking.

“Is there anyone who isn’t waiting for HL3? Today you not only get a chance to be one of the first people in the world to reserve a copy but also help kids in the process. Show that you care! Grab the game.”

Outright hilarious, downright sad or just plain silly? Considering that Half Life 3 hasn’t even been officially announced, with shimmers of it being developed here and there, we’ll go with all of the above. Let us know what you think below.


Half Life 3pcValve Software