Half Life 3: Will It Live Up To The Hype?

Some believe it may not, given the long delays.

Valve Software’s Half Life 3 is one of the lost relics of gaming. We mean “lost” in the sense that in the public eye, it very much exists even if there’s been no hard evidence from the developer of the same (save for a few leaks here and there). That being said, with the number of years that have passes since the release of Half Life 2: Episode 2, there’s always a growing fear that when Half Life 3 releases, it won’t live up to the hype.

To be fair, many thought the same about Half Life 2 before it was even announced. Half Life was just such a splendidly well rounded experience that there were few – if any – first person shooters that could top it. But lo and behold, Valve brought us a brand new experience with new compelling gameplay mechanics, an amazing setting and perfect level design.

But with all the so-called “innovations” seen in modern FPSs, what could Half Life 3 possibly do to wow us? Even if it was more of the same, it would be better than most of the drivel released on a yearly basis. It just wouldn’t feel like a game worthy of the Half Life legacy though. Or would it?

Do you think Half Life 3 will have a hard time living up to the hype, and could that be playing into why Valve has been slow to release it? Or will it be another master class in game diesng? Let us know your thoughts below.

Half Life 3pcValve Software