Halo 4: Haven multiplayer walkthrough video, matchmaking more skill-based than Halo: Reach

That's a good thing.

Remember how Halo 3 matchmaking was pretty much perfect and required you to actually possess skill to gain ranks? Halo 4 will follow a similar pattern where having skill will be absolutely essential.

You will be matched among people with similar skill levels. “Yes, we will be matching people together according to their skill,” David Ellis from 343 Industries revealed on NeoGAF. (Via Examiner)

“It will be factored in far more than it ever was in Reach. Don’t think I’m spilling secrets to say that Reach prioritized matching based on connection speed with skill levels a lower priority to ensure fast matching.

“Because of our more focused playlist offerings (which we’re planning to update more frequently than previous games) our player pool will be much larger per playlist which should provide more consistent matching by skill AND connection speed.”

We also have a new walkthrough video which shows the Haven multiplayer map in action. Via IGN. Halo 4 lead multiplayer map designer Kynan Pearson reveals some info in this video. Check it out, it’s pretty cool.

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