Halo 5’s Xbox One X Texture Upgrade Will Be A Lot Like Halo 5 Forge on PC

Halo: The Master Chief Collection's new update has been handled internally at 343 Industries as well.

Halo fans had a lot of unexpected good news yesterday, with new updates for Halo 5 and Halo: The Master Chief Collection announced by 343 Industries without warning. We had already had indication that Halo 5 would be getting updated for Microsoft’s upcoming Xbox One X console- the news about The Master Chief Collection came as a pleasant surprise.

Speaking on NeoGAF, Frank O’Connor of 343 Industries confirmed that unlike a lot of development on The Master Chief Collection in the past, the new upcoming update will be handled singularly by 343 Industries internally. “This update will be handled by us and a single dedicated team,” he said. “Not multiple partners.”

O’Connor also spoke of the upcoming Xbox One X update for Halo 5, trying to ground expectations a bit. According to him, the texture upgrade for Halo 5 with the update will be very much like Halo 5: Forge on Windows 10 PCs is- players should not expect more than that.

“It is very much like Forge so keep your expectations in check however I think Forge looks amazing on my 4k TV and the campaign stuff on Scorpio looks better Imo”, he said, before clarifying that he was only speaking of texture upgrades when he said that. “I’m specifically talking about the increased texture resolution, not the overall IQ, frame rate, draw distance, aliasing etc.” he added.

Halo 5: Guardian is due to get an Xbox One X update on November 7, which is the same day that the console itself launches; meanwhile, Halo: The Master Chief Collection‘s Xbox One X update is actually due some time next year.

343 industriesHalo 5: GuardiansHalo: The Master Chief CollectionMicrosoftxbox one x