Harmonix Seems To Be Sending Out Surveys About New A Rock Band Game

Where there is smoke...

Activision may have single handedly driven the music game genre into the ground last generation with their over saturation of the market, which is sad, because Amplitude- the actual creators of the genre, with the original Guitar Hero- were putting out some very good games even at the end of the fad, with games like Rock Band 2 and Rock Band 3 being genuinely good.

Since the bubble popped, there has been some talk from Harmonix about bringing the Rock Band series back, which personally, I would be all aboard with- again, there was nothing wrong either with their games (Rock Band was genuinely great), nor their release schedule (they released one every few years, the games were properly spaced out), and personally, I think that enough time has passed that they might be able to get the public’s attention again with a well made game.

They’re actually sending out surveys about potential new Rock Band game as we speak right now- you should go ahead and fill it out, and be sure to tell us what you think in the comments section!

HarmonixRock Band