Hawken dev: “Widening gap” between consoles and PC, talks about PC development

Some of the things are obvious but he kind of has a mixed feeling on DRM.

We recently interviewed Jon Kreuzer, Technical Director at Adhesive Games, the developers of Hawken, and asked him their views on piracy, DRM, and plenty of things.

We also asked them about the differences between PC and console gaming and he had a lot of interesting things to say about developing on the PC.

“There is definitely a widening gap between modern PCs and the current consoles,” Kreuzer told us.

“At the same time there is a pretty big gap between high-end gaming PCs, and older or lower-end gaming PCs. Still PC development means less emphasis on certain things, eg. memory-usage, and you can create better visuals and do more interesting things on high-end GPUs and CPUs.”

He was a bit neutral in his views on piracy and DRM and while he understood why game companies go with it, he wasn’t a big fan of it. Also considering the game he’s working on, Hawken, is an F2P game, there’s no point in putting DRM in something like that.

“Luckily as a free-to-play game we want as many people to have Hawken installed as possible, so DRM isn’t something we spend time thinking about. In general I’m not big on most types DRM, but I understand the desire to reduce piracy.”

Do you agree with him? Let us know in the comments section below.

Adhesive GamesHawkenpc