Hawken Virtual Payments Handled by LiveGamer, Up to 49 Global Currencies Supported

Now buy mech parts from (almost) anywhere in the world.

One of the biggest problems facing free-to-play games (and digital distribution in general) is the lack of support for some currencies and payment methods. Thanks to Live Gamer though, this won’t be a problem for those who sit down with Meteor Entertainment’s Hawken. Partnering with the publisher, Live Gamer will offer 27 payment methods in 49 global currencies, whether you want to pay via credit card, debit card, text-message, etc.

Speaking to VentureBeat, LiveGamer president Andrew Schneider stated that the company’s growth “is indicative of the projects we’ve been working on for the past year in growing our global payments capability. We can deal with the more complicated issues around payments, from start to finish. These relationships are thrilling for us, and they keep us busy.”

“LiveGamer is the trusted industry solution and their global reach made them the obvious partner for our Hawken open beta event. Using their platform we were able to add robust features and functionality as well as payment coverage on a global scale in a short timeframe,” according Meteor Entertainment CEO Mark Long.

Developed by Adhesive Games, Hawken is currently slated to enter a global open beta on December 12th.

Source: GIBiz

Adhesive GamesHawkenlivegamermeteor entertainmentpc