Here Are Three New LittleBigPlanet 3 Videos For You

Little, big, strong, and cuddly.

LittleBigPlanet 3 launches later this month for PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4, and the game promises to up the ante for Sony’s already wildly charming and successful series of platformers and do-it-yourself games even more thanks to its special focus and emphasis on promotion co-op play.

If you were curious about Sackboy’s companions who will be accompanying you on your odysseys, then here is some information for you on all three of then- they are called Oddsock, Swoop, and Toggle, and each of them have differing abilities and powers that will make them all uniquely suited to help Sackboy’s forward progress through the game.

It’s pretty neat- sort of like a more pronounced version of Luigi having a longer jump and more inertia, but with each character having unique powers, and not just properties, assigned to them.

LittleBigPlanet 3 launches on PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4 later this month. Stay tuned for more coverage.

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