Here, Watch Some New Quantum Break Footage

In Japanese, no less.

Quantum Break, the upcoming Remedy developed action-adventure game for the Xbox One which seems them return to their roots, albeit with a TV twist, is as non-Japanese a game as you can imagine. Nonetheless, Xbox Japan seems to be pretty enthusiastic with promoting it. So much so, that they posted some new gameplay footage of the game online, which now we can all watch. But with a Japanese voiceover. Yes, I know, there is something inherently bizarre about watching anything Xbox in Japanese, but hey, it is what it is.

Anyway, have a look at the video- it’s fairly different from what we were shown off at the Xbox Gamescom conference back in August, showing us a new area, and some new gameplay mechanics as well. At many times, the game teeters dangerously on the verge of being just another standard cover based third person shooter, but really, its unique mechanics, which seem to be a riff on the Bullet Time concept in the Max Payne games, are what seem to see it through.

Quantum Break is due out on the Xbox One exclusively in 2015, presumably with a simultaneous worldwide release.

Microsoft Game StudiosQuantum BreakRemedyXbox One