Here’s A New Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate Trailer For You

And some new gameplay footage too!

Capcom released Monster Hunter 4, the fourth numbered entry in their long running action hunting saga that first found fame and success on Sony’s PlayStation consoles and handhelds but has since jumped ship to Nintendo, last year exclusively for the Nintendo 3DS in Japan. As expected, the game was a monster hit (see what I did there?) selling over 4 million copies. However, it was never released in the west.

It’s ‘expanded’ version, however, called Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate (also for the Nintendo 3DS; unlike Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate, Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate will have no Wii U version), will be releasing here, so watching new trailers and gameplay footage for it is exciting.

So- enjoy. What you see up there is a brand new trailer for the title, along with some new gameplay footage. Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate is due out in Japan later this year, with a western release scheduled for next year. Stay tuned for more coverage.

capcommonster hunter 4 ultimateNintendo 3DS