Nintendo brought the big guns with them tonight to The Game Awards. The show started with a Nintendo World Premier, and it ended with a Nintendo World Premier- with one of the most anticipated games of next year, and the most anticipated one on the Wii U- The Legend of Zelda. The game debuted at E3 earlier this year, but so far, we hadn’t seen the game in action. Tonight, that changed.
We got to see the game being played by Aonuma and Miyamoto, as they showed off the gorgeously rendered and realized massive game world, in addition to the artstyle, which looks every bit as great as it did back at E3, with the game itself living up to its promise. We also got to see multiple methods of traversal- gliding, walking, horseback riding, with the latter also allowing for some combat, including a new twist to the series’ longstanding archery with a ‘bullet time’ mechanic.
It looked great, and was a nice way to end the show. Nintendo also confirmed that the game will be launching in 2015– there will be no delays for this Zelda.
Neat. Now if only we could get a name.