Hohokum Coming to PS4, PS3, and PS Vita

The right kind of wonky.

Hohokum is a gorgeous, calm, soothing and relaxing game coming to PlayStation platforms later this year that is unlike anything else on the market- the stated aim of Hohokum is to make the player take pause, and just take in their surroundings and enjoy the music. It’s a relaxing, steady and rhythmic experience, and it presents the player with few set objectives or goals.

For a game with a premise like that, it is obviously important that it get the graphics and sound absolutely right. And Hohokum does just that. This first developer diary in what we are promised is a series takes us through the process through which the art of Hohokum was developed. The artstyle looks absolutely amazing, and it is fascinating to see the development process that went into its creation.

Hohokum launches this summer for PlayStation platforms. Stay tuned to GamingBolt for more news about this gorgeous, quirky game.

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