Despite the bugs, both intended and unintended, Team Cherry’s Hollow Knight has been one of the cooler releases of this week. Its Metroidvania style of gampelay, level design and visuals are garnering praise even as the developer works to fix issues like frame stuttering.
Steam players may not be the only ones to bask in Hollow Knight’s excellence. As per the developer on Twitter, when asked about a PlayStation 4 port, one will be coming “Later this year…we’ll keep people updated!”
It seems that said PS4 port is still a long way off but hey, add one more compelling indie title to the list. It’s possible that a more concrete time frame is provided at E3 2017 when Sony has its indie showcase. Will it head to Xbox One at some point though?
What are your thoughts on Hollow Knight and its gameplay? Let us know in the comments below and stay tuned for more information.