Homefront on PC to contain extra features

Homefront soon launches on Steam for PC, and Kaos Studios have recently unveiled a series of new features specific to the PC port of their upcoming FPS. Supposedly all vehicle controls will be more precise with the ability to view the vehicular action from either a first or third person viewpoint. Flight controls are also adjustable across three levels of difficulty that can increase manoeuvrability at the expense of making flight a little bit more tricky.

A practice mode is also lined up so you can work on your driving/piloting skills outside of online play. Joystick support is also part of the package for all vehicular sections. Community features are also at their peak on PC with clan support, Squad based VOIP and Valve’s anti-cheat system. There is also promised support for dedicated servers within two weeks of the game’s launch. Combine this all with 3D support if you have the appropriate hardware, and it seems like the PC port of Homefront may well be the definitive version.

Thanks to CVG for the info.
