No Man’s Sky launched with possibly more hype than any other game in recent memory – and certainly more hype than any other indie game ever, but Sean Murray of Hello Games isn’t too worried about raised expectations leading to disappointment. In his words, it is completely alright if some players end up not liking No Man’s Sky after all.
“With our game, often you’re not led to an objective,” Murray said in an interview with Vice. “The game doesn’t hold your hand. And some people will like that. I’ve had people tell me, “I like that the game was treating me as intelligent,” but then what I think they’re saying is: “But I don’t think gamers will be able to deal with that.” I’m not saying any gamers are wrong, but I am totally okay with doing something different, and I will be totally okay with some people not liking this. Over the five years of developing No Man’s Sky, I’ve made my peace with that.”
Honestly, I have to say he is right- as I have played more and more of No Man’s Sky, I have liked it more and more, but I have also come to realize that it requires a very specific kind of mindset and a specific kind of person to enjoy the game. Others who go into it will probably find it pointless, meandering, and unfocused- and they wouldn’t necessarily be wrong in their criticisms, either. Because that’s exactly what this game is- and I think that, over anything else, is No Man’s Sky‘s biggest strength.