Yoshida tweets ICO running on PS Vita via Remote Play, Patch Soon!

SOTC and God of War on your Vita.

Sony’s Shuhei Yoshida has tweeted an image of ICO running on the PS Vita. I actually forgot the fact that they had announced the functionality at E3 this year, and the games that will support it are God of War 1, 2, ICO, SOTC, so be prepared to play these amazing games on your Vita soon.

Yes, soon, because Yoshida also revealed that a patch is incoming with no ETA.

“Sorry to tease you, I was play testing ICO HD Remote Play on PS Vita. We are almost ready with a patch. Beautiful on OLED. More info soon,” he tweeted.

Also you can check out the off screen image of ICO running on the PS Vita above. You know what this means? A new firmware is on the horizon or if we are lucky, a small patch will suffice but that’s not how Sony rolls.
