‘If they think our game is shit, it’s fine by me,’ says The Order 1886 CTO

Bold words there, Ready at Dawn.

The so called ‘blowout’ of The Order 1886 last week was extremely disappointing– it was just a three minute long video that showed a generic third person action game with the same misguided focus on cinematism that defines so many Sony first party games. The day that the video went live, I openly expressed my disappointment at it, and apparently, I wasn’t the only one either, because Ready at Dawn Chieft Technology Officer Andrea Pessino responded to the criticisms leveled against the game.

“An Important clarification: I didn’t write here because I want to interfere with the discussion or influence the general opinion or even less intimidate anyone,” he began.

“If one thinks our game is Shit [literally: liquid shit], it’s very fine with me. : D Of course I’d prefer a different opinion, and I’m sorry that we failed to attract a possible user, but for sure I’m not hurt or angry. An opinion is an opinion – and we’re talking about entertainment here, not a matter of life or death.

“We do our best and we’d like to do things that a whole lot of people will like, but it’s stupid to think that everyone will like them. Even more so today, given the costs and the lower development chances, it’s important to create projects with a lot of personality and polarizing choices. Some will like those choices (we hope many will!), some will be indifferent, some will hate them… and that’s fine.”

Those are reasonable words, and at least he is willing to accept that not everyone will like the direction his game takes, and is willing to take it in his stride.

Pessino also discussed the game’s release date.

“I can’t comment on the dates. Believe me, all I do is put myself in trouble for the things I say on Twitter. Have mercy. : (”

I might not necessarily like what I see of The Order, but I really do like how Ready at Dawn is conducting itself. It’s refreshingly honest, and they have a fan in me.


ps4ready at dawnsonyThe Order: 1886