Indie Horror Game Grave Coming to Xbox One

Procedural, surrealist horror game bound for Xbox One.

Originally announced for PC with native Oculus Rift support, Broken Window’s Grave will also be coming to the Xbox One, they confirmed.

Grave is a horror game with a twist- it has a persistent real time day and night cycle, which cycles through once every five minutes, but every time, the world around you changes (as content is added and modified procedurally). The night is when the monsters all venture out, so the player needs to stockpile and beef up his or her defenses during the day.

Broken Window says, “Grave is two things. First, it is a surrealist interpretation of a procedural environment. We wanted the strange and unnatural elements of Dali-style art to come through in not just our aesthetic, but also the gameplay. That’s why night in Grave doesn’t just bring frightening creatures, it changes the landscape.

“We have been experimenting with ways to do this procedurally and dynamically throughout play, and it’s ramping up into a really exciting experience that we feel is quite unique to the world of Grave. A lot of games use procedural level content; it’s far less common to have those changes occur dynamically.

“The other thing we now know is that Grave is going to serve as an homage and re-imagining of classic survival horror. We want to bring the confrontation, survival and item usage back to horror with a modern twist, so these items don’t empower the player too much but still provide them with influence and agency, something a lot of newer horror games don’t often offer.”

Of course, the release of the game on any platform is pending the successful completion of its Kickstarter campaign. Maybe you can go contribute some money to ensure it gets developed and released.

broken windowgraveKickstarterXbox One