Inside Developer Playdead’s Next Game is a Sci-Fi Third Person Open World Title

"Set in a remote corner of the universe," the indie developer says.

Indie developer Playdead has an absolutely pristine track record, having delivered astounding games with each of its releases in Limbo and Inside. The latter was their most recent release, but it’s been roughly five years since it came out, and questions about what Playdead’s working on next have been asked more than a few times, by more than a few people.

Now, thanks to a number of job listings on the developer’s website (spotted by VGC), we have much better idea of what they are working on- and it seems much more ambitious and larger in scale than anything they’ve made in the past. Listings for several positions (including Gameplay Programmer, Senior 3D Artist, Senior Programmer, and more), Playdead are developing a science fiction third person game.

The listings also describe it as being set in “a remote corner of the universe.” Meanwhile, the job ad for the position of Technical Director reveals that the game is an open world title, and is being developed for multiple platforms (that last one doesn’t come as much of a surprise). The developer also shows plenty of artwork for this mysterious game across those numerous job ads, which you can view in the gallery below.

There’s much we don’t know about this game just yet (like its name, for instance), but we do know that it will be published by Epic Games, thanks to a deal Playdead signed with the publisher last year. Read more on that through here.

Epic Gamesplaydead