Iron Man mod for GTA 4 is actually pretty flippin’ cool

Niko Bellic, it's time for you to show your powwaa.

We never got the Iron Man game we truly deserved, and err, wouldn’t it be awesome if someone actually created a game that wasn’t made on a budget used to feed chickens? Or Pigeons, yeah, you get the point.

Well here’s a $100 million game that was released four years ago, most of you must have heard of it–it’s called GTA 4. So the modders on the PC version of the game have been doing some incredible stuff like making the game looking amazing, but we now have a mod which transforms Niko into Iron Man.

It’s like not the lame Superman costume for Just Cause 2 where he didn’t even look like Superman, but man, was that game fun. So yeah, check out the trailer below, and download GTA 4 again on Steam, because you gotta play this.

This is not a static costume, it features “hand repulsor beam effects and the ability to fly that has its own animation and sound effects.”

Thanks, Kotaku.

gta 4Iron Manpc