Is inFamous: Second Son Launching February 7?

It's coming soon, but how soon is soon?

There was a brief instance today when it was believed that the release date for Sony’s eagerly anticipated third entry to the inFamous franchise, inFamous: Second Son, would be launching February 7, 2014; developers Sucker Punch, however, quickly dispelled that idea on their Twitter.

However, that does not mean that we are all that far from finding out when it launches: Geoff Keighley is teasing some inFamous related news at tonight’s upcoming PlayStation All Access event that begins in a few hours (side by side with the actual PlayStation 4 launch).

inFamous: Second Son would be the third entry in Sucker Punch’s acclaimed open world superhero starring action adventure franchise; unlike the first two games, Second Son will not be starring Cole (to say more would risk ruining the story of the first two games).

The PlayStation 4 launches tonight, and there will be a PlayStation All Access event to go with it where some big PlayStation news is teased. Stay tuned to GamingBolt for the scoop. Meanwhile, watch the newest (insane) gameplay trailer to get your hype up.

Infamous: Second Sonps4sonySucker Punch