Judgment Video Showcases English Voice Behind The Protagonist

English VA Greg Chun breaks down the experience of voicing Takayuki Yagami.

Sega’s Judgment is still coming to the West following some brief hiccups with one of its actors involved in drug bust. We’ve already seen some of the gameplay that can be expected, including the cases that private investigator Takayuki Yagami will take on. But what about the English voice behind the man?

In a new video, voice actor Greg Chun offered some insight into the process. He describes playing Yagami as “therapeutic” in some ways and finds it easy to connect to him. The core story sees Yagami, a former lawyer turned investigator, being sucked back into the dealings that made him quit his former profession in the first place.

Judgment is out on June 25th for PS4 in North America and Europe. Along with exploring Kamurocho from a new perspective, tailing suspects, and investigating crime scenes, players will also engage in some intriguing side stories. Stay tuned for more details on the game en route to its release.
